Silver Wedding Mini Bell Decorations Favors (Set of 50)

Silver Wedding Mini Bell Decorations Favors (Set of 50) is one of the best items brought out the foregoing workweek. At the time of boosting its unique design , altered and now fit just about for your own . And from now on there have been a wide selection of wares it's possible to get. Currently the complete product or service is built by using peculiar stuffs that in some way have quality and trend. Silver Wedding Mini Bell Decorations Favors (Set of 50) is a pet selection some of us . Or even I RECENTLY powerfully highly recommend it. With the external quality standards , thus earning this product a posh and naturally durable . Alot of of us love currently the Silver Wedding Mini Bell Decorations Favors (Set of 50) as numerous versions of colourings, cases, stuffs.

Doing this is many offered regarding Silver Wedding Mini Bell Decorations Favors (Set of 50).


  • * Comes completely assembled * Contains bell with clanger * Beautiful poem printed on each card * Business card size
  • Poem is as follows:Today, as we gather together, Wish us a love to last forever, if you would like us to share a wedded kiss, ring the bell for lifelong bliss.
  • as pictured- 50 pc

Silver Wedding Mini Bell Decorations Favors (Set of 50) Features is very good!


Silvertone Wedding Bell On A Card. Ring in the happy couple's joyous occasion with these wedding bell cards! Set one next to each place setting at your wedding reception or hand them out after the ceremony. Each paper card is printed with a poem and has an attached silvertone metal bell. (50 pcs. per unit) 3 1/2"
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Silver Wedding Mini Bell Decorations Favors (Set of 50) Discount


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