Yamaha NS-C444 2-Way Center Channel Speaker

Yamaha NS-C444 2-Way Center Channel Speaker

Yamaha NS-C444 2-Way Center Channel Speaker is my favorite goods put out this week . Adjusted encouraging its unparalleled conception, changed and today suited just around yourself . And already there is a wide variety of merchandise it's possible get. Currently the completely product is designed with the use of special stuffs that have quality and vogue . Yamaha NS-C444 2-Way Center Channel Speaker is a pet selection many of us. And I highly can't help but recommend it. With the international quality standards , therefore pulling in this product a posh and of course long lived. Alot of folks really love currently the Yamaha NS-C444 2-Way Center Channel Speaker as a lot of versions of colors , types , stuffs.

This is some planned about Yamaha NS-C444 2-Way Center Channel Speaker.


  • 5-inch PDM cone woofers and 1-inch aluminum dome tweeter
  • Waveguide horns reduce reflected sound while directing more sound waves to your ears
  • 100 watts nominal power; 250 watts music power
  • Monster Cable internal wiring ensures clean, clear signal
  • Measures 10-1/4 by 7-1/2 by 8-3/8 inches (width by height by depth)
Yamaha NS-C444 2-Way Center Channel Speaker Features is very good!


Center Channel Speaker in Black
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Yamaha NS-C444 2-Way Center Channel Speaker Discount


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